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Setting Up Your Home Practice Space

Writer: HelenHelen

Updated: Oct 31, 2021

As we move to more online classes and prepare ourselves for the possibility of the studio being fully online for a period of time, it is a good time to consider what a home practice setup looks like at your place.

Equipment People have been asking what equipment is required to practice at home. You should have what is practical within your budget and storage capacity. We would suggest, in order: - Minimum equipment is a mat or a floor that is not slippery. - 2 blocks and a belt are very handy. - Add a bolster for restorative poses. (But there are ways to subsititute if necessary.) - A set of 3 or 4 blankets is useful for shoulderstand, but you can substitute with towels or blankets. Be sure you use ones that can stack neatly. On the equipment page of our website, our kits are set up with this choice of priority in mind. There is an Essentials Kit, a Restorative Kit and a Deluxe Kit. You can also purchase most of the equipment we have at the studio - sand bags, foam pads, chairs, etc. Some thoughts from our home practice workshop: Consider your space. A dedicated space is ideal, but not essential. Is there a quiet space with limited distractions? Would a candle or incense be something you would like to have to create an atmosphere that's conducive to yoga?

Can We See You?

Our online classes are interactive. The intention is that the teacher can see you as you practice. We will want to see your feet on your mat, and at least your head when standing. If possible, it would be good to be able to see your hands when your arms are extended over your head.

We suggest experimenting with your laptop or mobile phone before doing an online class.

We do understand that some students may not want to be visible at all. You have the option of turning off your video. If you choose to do this, please understand that it limits the ability of the teacher to respond to what you are doing.

Consider your timetable. In the current context, you might be changing your normal routine. If you are going to be working from home, what hours will you be doing? Is it a good idea to break up the day with online attendance at our lunchtime classes, or better to practice in the morning and set a scene for the day. These are individual choices. Considering your timetable might involve some discussion with us at the studio. We have already had a request for online classes on the weekend. Let us know which times will suit you best for online classes. Consider What Could Go Wrong. It's difficult at the moment to know what's around the corner. What would happen if we go into full lockdown as has happened in other parts of the world? If you have children, would school closure make a difference? If the whole family is at home, does that change the possibility of distractions? Will the dog come in while you're practising? If you're telecommuting will you get work interruptions? What would happen if you or someone close to you is unwell? The idea is not necessarily to make any changes to your plan, but by contemplating what could go wrong now, you're better placed mentally and emotionally to deal with any issues should they come up. If, in the future, you need to adjust your practice plan, the intention is to come to that with equanimity and a sense of acceptance. How Will You Handle It? Of all the things that could go wrong, some might be easy to deal with. For example, can you close a door to keep out noise? Is it an option to have your mobile phone off and out of the room? Address the addressable issues now. Be clear on the issues that, if they occur, will impact on your practice and that is unavoidable.



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